
A museum was destroyed, a hostel and a hospital were damaged: Prosecutor General's Office opens proceedings on russia's night attack on Lviv

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At night, russian drones in the Lviv region destroyed the Shukhevych Museum and damaged a hospital, a dormitory, and a university building.

In one of the districts of Lviv region, as a result of a night attack by russian kamikaze drones, private construction sites, a dormitory and a hospital were damaged. This was reported by Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovyi, UNN reports.


According to him, about ten Shahed drones attacked Lviv region that night.

В ДСНС показали ліквідацію наслідків ударів рф по Львівщині01.01.24, 11:28

In Dubliany, the shock wave smashed windows in dormitories, a hospital, a chapel, and houses. More than 60 windows in total. In addition, more than 600 square meters of roofing and ceilings were destroyed in the academic buildings of the Agricultural University. Today we will hold an on-site emergency commission

- Sadovyi said.

He emphasized that as a result of the russian attack, the Shukhevych Museum in Bilohirshchyna was destroyed to the ground. Several private buildings in the area were also damaged, with windows and doors blown out.


Law enforcement officials have already launched an investigation into the nighttime shelling of Lviv and the destruction of the museum of UPA commander general Roman Shukhevych.

Under the procedural supervision of the Lviv Regional Prosecutor's Office, a pre-trial investigation was initiated in the criminal proceedings on violation of the laws and customs of war (Part 1 Art. 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)

- the Prosecutor General's Office said.

It is noted that during the russian attack, the Shukhevych Museum was destroyed and the building of one of the faculties of the Lviv National Agrarian University was damaged.

Law enforcement officials emphasized that there were no military facilities near the site of the attack.

At present, prosecutors, together with other law enforcement agencies, are taking all possible and appropriate measures to document war crimes committed by representatives of the russian armed forces.


On New Year's Eve, defense forces destroyed 87 of the 90 Shahed drones used by Russia in a large-scale attack from multiple directions. 

Нічна атака рф на Львівщину: збитки музею Шухевича вже оцінюють у понад 2 мільйони01.01.24, 10:52

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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