
A grenade explodes in a high-rise building in Kremenchuk: one person is wounded

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A grenade explodes in an apartment building in Kremenchuk, Poltava region, injuring one resident; police are investigating possible careless handling of the weapon.

У In Kremenchuk, Poltava region, a grenade exploded in an apartment building. a grenade exploded in an apartment building. A resident of the apartment was injured and taken to the hospital. This was reported by the Main Department of the National Police in Poltava region, UNN reports .


Law enforcement officials reported that on December 23, at about 22:50, a fire occurred in an apartment of a multi-storey building in Molodizhnyi neighborhood in Kremenchuk. According to the police, it was found that a grenade exploded in the apartment.

A resident of the apartment The resident of the apartment, born in 1968, was taken to the hospital. At the time of the explosion, there was another local resident in the the time of the explosion, there was another local resident in the apartment. Fortunately, she was not injured.

According to one of the investigators' versions, the munition could have exploded due to careless handling. Priority investigative actions were conducted. The fragments of the grenade were seized and will be sent for expert examination,

- the statement said.

According to the investigation unit of the police, under the procedural under the procedural control of the Prosecutor's Office, opened a criminal proceeding under Part 1 of Art. 263 (Illegal handling of weapons, ammunition or explosives) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.


Seven teenagers were detained on suspicion of murdering a homeless woman and other violent crimes in Dnipro.

Pavlo Bashynskyi

Crimes and emergencies


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