
A deserter who escaped from a military unit and boldly called on the SBI to catch him will be tried in Ukraine

 • 4036 переглядiв

The State Bureau of Investigation has completed a pre-trial investigation into a serviceman who escaped from a military unit and recorded defiant video messages to law enforcement. The man is in custody and faces up to 10 years in prison.

In Ukraine, a soldier who escaped from a military unit and mocked law enforcement on social media, urging them to catch him, will be tried. This was reported by the State Bureau of Investigation, UNN reports. 

SBI officers have completed a pre-trial investigation into a soldier who abandoned his fellow soldiers and fled the military unit. Through social media, he provoked law enforcement and called for his capture. The indictment has been sent to court, the post says.

- the post says.

SEE ALSO: A man was handcuffed and forced into a car: SBI investigates actions of TCC employees and law enforcement officers


The SBI noted that the detainee was drafted into the army as a mobilized man, but after serving a short period of time in one of the military units in Poltava, he decided that this was enough and simply left the unit without permission.

After escaping from the unit, the man returned to  his native Kharkiv. There he tried in every possible way to discredit the law enforcement officers who were looking for him.

In particular, the man published videos with provocative statements, where he suggested that the DBR catch him and even said that he was hiding in Kharkiv.

In a short period of time, the fugitive's whereabouts were established and he was detained. Currently, the man remains in custody.

- summarized in the SBI.

READ ALSO: SBI investigates more than 110 criminal proceedings on abuses by military officials


The defendant is accused of unauthorized leaving of a military unit under martial law (part 5 of Article 407 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The sanction of the article provides for a sentence of imprisonment for up to 10 years.

To recap, 

In Poltava region,  based on SBU materials, a provocateurwho obstructed the legitimate activities of the military will be brought to court. The perpetrator was a former fitness trainer who publicly supported the Kremlin's narratives about Russia's war in Ukraine.

Volodymyr Omelchenko

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