
A collaborator from Kherson, who helped the occupiers to hold a pseudo-referendum, was served a notice of suspicion

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In September 2022, the 56-year-old suspect took up the position of "secretary of the precinct election commission", which operated in Kherson. It was created by the occupation authorities to hold a pseudo-referendum on secession from Ukraine.

A local resident of Kherson was served a notice of suspicion of collaboration for working as a secretary of the occupying "precinct election commission". This was reported by the press service of the Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office, according to UNN.


According to the investigation, in September 2022, a 56-year-old man took the position of "secretary of the precinct election commission", which was created by the occupation authorities of the Kherson region to hold a pseudo-referendum on the accession of the temporarily occupied territory of the region to Russia.

In this position, the suspect informed the occupying "central election commission" about the commission's meetings, kept minutes and records of the working time of other members of the "PEC".

He also kept records of the "voter turnout" and transferred the results of the "voting" with the protocols to the "CEC" for further falsification of the results in favor of the Kremlin.

SEE ALSO: Collaborator from Kharkiv region gets 13 years behind bars

Anna Onishchenko

Crimes and emergencies


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