
74% of Ukrainians oppose territorial concessions to Russia, but willingness to accept them is growing - poll

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As of December 2023, 74% of Ukrainians are against territorial concessions to Russia, while the number of those ready for such concessions has increased from 10% in May to 19% in December. This is evidenced by the results of an all-Ukrainian survey conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS), UNN reports.


According to sociologists, after May 2023, there is a gradual increase in the share of those who are ready for territorial concessions: from 10% in May to 14% in October and to 19% in December.

Along with this, there is a downward trend in the share of those who oppose territorial concessions: from 84% in May to 80% in October and to 74% in December. However, a clear majority of Ukrainians still believe that Ukraine should not give up any of its territories.

At the same time, in all regions, a clear majority of respondents (from 68% and 69% in the south and east to 76% and 79% in the west and in the center) oppose territorial concessions to Russia.

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KIIS also noted that even among residents of the south and east, who are closest to the war zone, 67% oppose any territorial concessions. At the same time, 22% of those living in the south and 25% of those living in the east are ready for concessions.

KIIS notes that the situation among residents of the west and center is only slightly different in the direction of lower readiness for territorial concessions.


According to the survey, respondents who support territorial concessions are more pessimistic in their views - among them, 22% believe that Russia is too strong, and even proper Western assistance will not help.

However, the majority (71%) of those who are ready for territorial concessions believe that with proper Western support, Ukraine will be able to make progress. Among those who oppose territorial concessions, 93% are confident of success with proper Western support.

At the same time, respondents have opposing views on the strategy of action in the event of a significant decline in Western support. Among respondents who are ready for territorial concessions, 69% would consider it expedient to stop hostilities with serious security guarantees (28% are in favor of continuing hostilities).

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Instead, among respondents who are against any territorial concessions, even with a significant limitation of aid, 70% are in favor of continuing hostilities (and 22% are for their termination).

The poll was conducted from November 29 to December 9, 2023, among 1,031 respondents in all regions except the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. The survey was not conducted with citizens abroad.

Earlier, KIIS conducted a survey that showed that 58% of Ukrainians believethat in the event of a significant reduction in aid from the West, it is worth continuing military operations to put pressure on Russia.

SEE ALSO: Sweden has approved a winter aid package for Ukraine worth 124 million euros

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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