
Zaluzhny's New Year's greetings: "The year 2024 will not be easy. The struggle for freedom and the future of our children continues"

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Zaluzhny congratulated the Ukrainian forces on the New Year, predicting a difficult 2024, but expressing confidence in victory.

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valeriy Zaluzhnyi congratulated the military and all those who support Ukraine's victory on the upcoming New Year. He published the greeting  on his Telegram page, UNN reports.

2024 will not be easy. The fight for freedom and the future of our children continues. I believe that we will pass all the trials with dignity and continue to bring our Victory closer step by step. to bring our Victory closer! All those who are now in combat, at an observation post, conducting reconnaissance or destroying the enemy with a drone. Those who are holding the line and striking back. The families and friends of our soldiers. Everyone who believes in and helps the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Happy New Year! Together we will win! Glory to Ukrainian defenders!

- Zaluzhny wrote.


The Commander-in-Chief noted that 2023 was one of the most difficult years of our struggle for our land and freedom.

It was a year when Ukraine survived. It survived thanks to you - Ukrainian soldiers and sailors, sergeants and officers. Thanks to each and every one of you! I thank our military for their resilience and dedication to the great cause of defending Ukraine.

- Zaluzhnyi noted.

Valeriy Zaluzhny also remembered the fallen soldiers of Ukraine who laid down their lives their lives defending their homeland.

I bow my head to the Ukrainian soldiers who died in the battles for Homeland. They are forever in our hearts.

- wrote the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


The military also congratulated Ukrainians on the New Year holidays. The greetings were published by the National Guard, the Security Service of Ukraine, and the Main Intelligence of Intelligence.

Tatiana Salganik



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