
Yermak and Elbrun: on security guarantees for Ukraine

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Andriy Yermak met with Pierre Elbren, the French President's Envoy for Economic Assistance to Ukraine. They discussed security guarantees in the context of ongoing negotiations between Ukraine and France.

KYIV. 19 November. UNN. Head of the Presidential Office Andriy Yermak met with the Special Envoy of the President of the French Republic for Economic Assistance and Reconstruction of Ukraine Pierre Elbrun. They discussed, among other things, security guarantees in the context of the negotiations launched by Ukraine and France. This was reported by the Office of the President of Ukraine, according to UNN.


The meeting was also attended by First Vice Prime Minister - Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yulia Svyrydenko and Deputy Head of the Presidential Office Ihor Zhovkva. The interlocutors discussed the issue of providing security guarantees to Ukraine in the context of the negotiations with France on the conclusion of a relevant bilateral agreement, as provided for in the Joint Declaration on support for our country of July 12 this year.  

In addition, Pierre Elbrun informed about preparations for the implementation of a number of projects in the fields of transport, technology, healthcare, etc. He also touched upon the possibility of providing grants from France to restore critical infrastructure, energy facilities, Ukrainian enterprises, and demining.

READ MORE: French Defense Minister announces additional 200 million euros to help Ukraine

Anna Onishchenko



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