
Woman killed by Russian shelling in Zaporizhzhia; criminal investigation launched

 • 53196 переглядiв

A woman was killed during the Russian shelling of Stepnohirsk in Zaporizhzhia region, which led to a criminal investigation into war crimes and premeditated murder.

The occupants continue to violate the laws and customs of war. Thus, a local resident died as a result of yesterday's shelling of the village of Stepnohirsk in Zaporizhzhia. The Prosecutor General's Office reported about this and the launch of an investigation into this fact, UNN reports .


Under the procedural guidance of the Vasyliv District Prosecutor's Office of Zaporizhzhia region, a pre-trial investigation was launched in criminal proceedings over violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder.

According to investigators, a 56-year-old local resident was killed yesterday as a result of Russian shelling of Stepnohirsk in Zaporizhzhia. The administrative building and other infrastructure of the town were destroyed.

To recap

On December 8 , Russians also shelled Nikopol in Dnipropetrovs'k region with artillery. Emergency workers rescued from the rubble an 86-year-old woman whose house was hit by a shell. 

READ MORE: Nine hundred Russian troops sent to hell by Ukrainian defenders over the past day

Anna Onishchenko



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