
We failed to sign a memorandum, but the dialogue continues - Vysotsky on Ukrainian-Polish talks on unblocking the border

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Despite lengthy negotiations between Ukrainian and Polish farmers, the memorandum has not yet been signed. The dialogue continues. It is expected that agreements will be reached that will influence the unblocking of border checkpoints.

Polish farmers continue to block the Uhryniv-Dolhobyczów checkpoint on the border with Ukraine, but at the same time, negotiations with Ukrainian farmers are ongoing.  Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Taras Vysotsky confirmed that the Polish side is interested in reaching agreements that can be found as early as April, UNN reports .

So far, we have not been able to sign and formalize the memorandum. But what is important is that the Polish side is ready.

 ," Vysotsky noted.

According to the official, it was the first time that representatives of farmers and agrarians from both sides talked directly outside the government agencies, and they agreed to reach an agreement on exports. However, it still takes time to finalize all the issues.

It is important that they spoke directly for the first time. We agreed to achieve specific indicators of cooperation in exports. There was not enough time. This week we will continue discussions in two areas. According to the optimistic scenario, we plan to complete all the areas by mid-April. 

- said Taras Vysotsky.

According to Vysotsky, the hesitation to lift and return the blockade is planned to be resolved in the medium and long term.


As of April 4, farmers in Poland continue to block truck traffic at three border crossing points with Ukraine -  Uhryniv-Dolhobyczów, Yahodyn-Dorogusk, and Rava-Ruska-Krebenne. There are about 400 trucks waiting to cross the border to Ukraine. 

Протести бельгійських аграріїв призвели до жорстоких сутичок: поліція застосовувала водомети, фермери кидалися гноєм27.03.24, 13:23

Ihor Telezhnikov



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