
"We ask road users to be as attentive as possible": KMBA warned of severe weather conditions in the capital

 • 31415 переглядiв

The Kyiv City State Administration warns of sleet, ice and slush build-up in Kyiv, urging road users to be careful; about 400 units of special equipment and 4,000 workers are involved in clearing roads.

In Kyiv, during December 14 December 14, unfavorable weather conditions are expected: sleet, sometimes ice, slush build-up, and in some places ice. The KMBA appealed to all road users to to be as careful as possible. The agency also noted that hundreds of units of special equipment used to clear the roads to the capital. This was reported is reported by UNN with reference to the press service of the Kyiv City Military Administration (KMVA).

Today in the capital there is sleet and rain, in some places ice, slush build-up, and sometimes ice on the roads. A significant amount of precipitation has fallen in the capital. (...) We ask all road users to be as careful and cautious as possible while moving through the streets of the city

- the KCSA Telegram channel informs.

It is also it is reported that special equipment and manual cleaning crews are already clearing roads, overpasses, sidewalks, and public transportation stops from snow. The roads are also being treated with anti-icing agents.

In total, the capital has engaged almost 400 units of special equipment and 4,000 people are involved.

A special note is made drivers of private vehicles are asked not to park their cars on the side of the road roads in order not to interfere with the work of special equipment.

As a reminder

According to to the State Emergency Service, in Ukraine, amid deteriorating weather conditions, 225 225 cities, towns and villages in five regions remained without electricity supply, but travel on the main roads is provided.

SEE ALSO: In Chernihiv region strengthens border defense, installs concrete "teeth of the of the dragon"

Ihor Telezhnikov



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