
We are preparing an active start to next year: Zelensky held an important meeting with international experts of the Ministry of foreign affairs and the OP

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Zelensky met with international experts to plan active diplomatic efforts for December and early 2023, highlighting Ukraine's struggle for freedom and international order.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky held an important meeting with international experts of the Ministry of foreign affairs and the OP - they are preparing an active continuation of December, an active beginning of next year, reports UNN.

"Held a meeting with international experts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Office. We are preparing an active continuation of December, an active beginning of next year. Ukraine will fight for its own interests, for the Just interests of every free nation. Because if we can defend ourselves, it strengthens everyone else in the world who, like us in Ukraine, values freedom and international order," Zelensky said.

Read also: discussed Ukraine's European integration and a possible meeting between Zelensky and Orban: the head of the op called the Hungarian Foreign Minister


Politico reportedthat Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban threatens to block all EU assistance to Ukraine , as well as the country's future accession to the bloc, if EU leaders do not agree to reconsider their entire strategy of supporting Kiev.

On November 23, the European Union approved an advance payment to Hungary of 900 million euros (доларів 1 billion) from its hitherto frozen stake in recovery funds, as the bloc tries to overcome Budapest's veto on aid to Ukraine.

EU officials told Reuters last month that the bloc was considering providing assistance to Hungary to enlist Budapest's support for Ukraine. However, more recently, sources involved in the preparation of the EU leaders ' summit, which will be held on December 14-15 and will discuss the issue of Ukraine, expressed growing skepticism that Orban can be influenced.

Antonina Tumanova



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