
Victor Rozovoy, a comedian from the "League of Laughter", was seriously wounded in the head at the front

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Humorist Viktor Rozovoy, who serves with the 3rd Brigade, received a complex shrapnel wound to his head during a field mission on March 21, was operated on, but is now conscious and will soon begin rehabilitation.

Former member of the team "Zagoretska Liudmyla Stepanivna" and comedian Viktor Rozovyi, who serves in the 3rd Brigade, received a shrapnel wound to his head at the front and underwent surgery. This was reported by his wife Olga Rozova on her Instagram page, UNN reports.


According to his wife, on March 21, during a field mission, Viktor received a complex shrapnel wound to his head.

This is a very complicated injury, and it is hard to imagine what the evacuation cost. During these two weeks, doctors and his family did everything possible to help Vitia overcome the period of serious condition. As long as his life was at stake, we wanted to keep the information silent

- she wrote.

His wife also reported that Viktor had regained consciousness and started communicating with his family. He will begin rehabilitation in the near future. A fundraiser was also organized to support the family and to purchase equipment for the doctors who saved his life.

Viktor is very strong-willed, so he is making incredible progress. He is already conscious, trying to communicate with us and gaining strength for rehabilitation. We have no doubt that he will make a full recovery

- Viktor Rozovyi's wife writes.


The Ministry of Veterans Affairs has announced its main areas of activity: rehabilitation (psychological, physical, sports), retraining and professional adaptation for employment, support for veteran businesses, housing programs, and digitalization to provide services without paperwork.

Реабілітація захисників: на Черкащині відбулися тренування з адаптивного спорту для ветеранів, які отримали поранення на війні18.03.24, 10:57

Iryna Kolesnik



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