
Ukraine uses US experience in the construction of fortifications

 • 40834 переглядiв

According to Colonel Vitaliy Kyrylov, Ukrainian engineering units are integrating Western experience and adapting to enemy tactics while building new fortifications. They apply the methods of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, taking into account current trends in warfare and enemy weapons.

In the construction of new fortifications, Ukrainian engineering units use the experience of Western countries and take into account the behavior of the enemy. Countries and take into account the behavior of the enemy. This was announced at a briefing by the spokesman of the State Special Transport Service, Colonel Vitaliy Kirillov, reports UNN.

The following is used the experience of leading partner countries in the field of fortification and efficiency the use of engineering barriers. In particular, our units have successfully apply the experience of the United States Army Corps of Engineers, which creating an effective combination of different types of engineering barriers to to achieve the set goals in a short time and with less resources

- said Vitaliy Kirilov.


Vitaliy Kyrylov noted that trends, forms, and methods of warfare are constantly changing. Therefore approaches and priorities in the creation of fortifications are also changing. structures. In particular, the following is taken into account the enemy's use of new weapons and equipment, the use of drones and unmanned aerial vehicles, the use of prohibited types of ammunition containing phosphorus and incendiary and incendiary mixtures, and cluster munitions.

SEE ALSO: Ukraine continues to build new fortifications on the border with belarus

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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