
Ukraine strongly condemns DPRK's missile tests - MFA

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Ukraine condemned North Korea's latest missile test, calling it a further disregard for UN resolutions and calling for a strong response, and accusing Russia of facilitating Pyongyang's nuclear and missile programs.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine reacted to another missile test conducted the day before by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The commentary of the Ukrainian diplomatic agency is quoted by UNN.

Ukraine strongly condemns the missile test conducted by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea the day before. Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile on December 18, 2023 of an intercontinental ballistic missile on 18 March is yet another evidence of the North Korean regime's systematic of the North Korean regime's systematic disregard for relevant UN Security Council resolutions on the DPRK's nuclear and missile programs.

- the Foreign Ministry said in an official statement.


The report also states that Ukraine supports the efforts of its partners to Increasing pressure on Pyongyang to comply with international order and stop actions that could lead to further aggravation of the security situation on the Korean Peninsula and the world as a whole.

"A decisive reaction should also follow to the actions of those countries, especially the Russian Federation, which, in violation of international obligations, provide assistance to the development North Korea's nuclear and missile programs and continue the prohibited cooperation with the DPRK", 

- the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry emphasized.

Президент Південної Кореї вбачає, що КНДР і війна рф проти України якось пов'язані13.11.23, 12:43 • [views_111870]


In late November, South Korean intelligence warned  of a possible nuclear test by North Korea by North Korea next year after the launch of a spy satellite.

The South Korean intelligence South Korea's intelligence agency also reported that Pyongyang received assistance from Russia to successfully launch a reconnaissance satellite this week.

North North Korea has sent Russia data on the launch vehicles used in two previous failed satellite launches, and Moscow has offered to analyze previous failed satellite launches, and Moscow has offered to analyze the data. data, Yoo Sang-bom, a member of the parliamentary intelligence committee, said after the intelligence agency's briefing.

Південна Корея припинила дію частини військової угоди з КНДР після запуску Пхеньяном супутника-шпигуна23.11.23, 12:34

Tatiana Salganik



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