
Ukraine has added the traditions of cooking lean cabbage rolls and making a "sewn" towel to its cultural heritage

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The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine has included the traditions of Lenten cabbage rolls and Obukhiv towel making in the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Local communities have until December 20 to submit a 5-year plan for preserving the traditions.

The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine reported that it has added two new elements to the National List of Elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage, UNN reports .


Now the national list has been replenished with the tradition of cooking and eating lean cabbage rolls with potatoes (village of Solnechne, Volnovakha district, Donetsk region). And the tradition and technology of making the Obukhiv "sewn" towel (the city of Obukhiv, the villages of Tatsenky, Krasna Slobidka of the Obukhiv city amalgamated territorial community, Kozyn village, Stari Bezradychi village of the Kozyn settlement amalgamated territorial community of the Kyiv region).

Reportedly, the communities have until December 20, 2023 to submit to the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine a 5-year protection plan for the elements.

SEE ALSO: The Ministry of Culture has included the rite of "Persecution of Vipers" in the intangible cultural heritage

Anna Onishchenko



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