
Tusk on the blockade on the Polish-Ukrainian border: the government's inaction is unforgivable

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Polish opposition leader and prime ministerial contender Donald Tusk, assessing the situation with the blockade of the border with Ukraine by Polish carriers, said on Tuesday that this inaction cannot be forgiven, because it jeopardizes Polish-Ukrainian relations and the government does not care about Polish interests, UNN reports with reference to wnp. pl.


Polish carriers have been protesting on the border with Ukraine since November 6. PO leader Donald Tusk was asked about the protest in the Sejm on Tuesday. To the comment that his government would have to deal with the problem in two weeks, he replied: "not in two weeks". "Today (November 28 - ed.) I have a meeting with experts and politicians who will deal with these issues," he emphasized. "Also today (November 28 - ed.) in the afternoon we have a briefing on the issue of carriers and the protest at the Ukrainian border," the head of the PO said.

Speaking about the appointment of the new government of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, he said that "if they pretend to have created a real government, they can pretend to deal with real problems." According to Tusk, "this inaction cannot be forgiven." "In this way, we jeopardize Polish-Ukrainian relations and do not protect Polish interests," he emphasized.

"This government puts us all in a very difficult situation. PiS, Morawiecki and Kaczynski have played the Ukrainian card in a bad, very amateurish, unprofessional and very cynical way," the politician said. "At the beginning, when it was appropriate, they demonstrated a radical pro-Ukrainian position, completely forgetting about Polish interests," Tusk said.

According to him, "we must live in friendship with Ukraine, support and at the same time not neglect Polish interests." "This was completely neglected, and when they realized that people were outraged, they began to play the anti-Ukrainian card, and then turned away from the problem at the border," the PO leader said. "This is a scandal, because even in such an issue as the drivers' protest, they jeopardize our fundamental interests and relations with Ukraine, Russia and Europe," Tusk emphasized.

Julia Shramko



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