
The State Service for Special Communications predicts that in 2024 russia will resort to more complex cyber attacks

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Ukrainian experts predict more complex russian cyber attacks in 2024, potentially using artificial intelligence.

Ukrainian experts expect that in 2024, the russians will conduct much more complex cyber attacks against Ukraine, in particular with the use of artificial intelligence. This was stated by Nazar Timoshik, a specialist of the government's Computer Emergency Response Team of Ukraine CERT-UA, during a speech at the SANS CyberThreat 2023 conference in London, reports UNN.


According to him, the invaders are already attracting young people and training a new generation of hackers.

We expect that attacks by Russian hacker groups will be more complex, so Ukrainian cyber defenders – both special bodies and businesses – should be prepared for this.

- declared Timoshik.

Read also: Russian cyber attacks on Ukrainian financial companies have tripled

At the same time, he stressed that the level of cyber security in Ukraine has significantly improved since 2022. in particular, thanks to the technical assistance of partners and the exchange of information. In addition, Ukrainian companies have begun to respond more professionally to cyber risks.


He told the participants of the event about the change in behavior patterns, goals and capabilities of the russian government and hacker groups under its control, which took place in the first half of 2023. 

We are very grateful to our British partners for the invitation and opportunity to participate in the conference. It was an unforgettable experience that strengthened our cooperation and contributed to the development of cybersecurity in Ukraine and around the World

- noted Nazar Timoshik.


Cybercriminals linked to Russia and China carried out an attack on Britain's most dangerous nuclear facility Sellafield - the extent of data loss and whether the malware was removed is unknown.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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