
The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has switched to the NATO standard procurement system

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Ukraine's Ministry of Defense has introduced a new procurement system based on NATO standards, moving away from the post-Soviet model to improve planning and efficiency, as explained by Deputy Minister Dmytro Klymenkov.

The Ministry of of Defense has launched a new procurement system based on NATO standards. It has completely replaced the post-Soviet system, where all power was were concentrated in the Ministry of Defense. Deputy Defense Minister Dmytro Klimenkov spoke about this in his Dmytro Klimenkov in the telethon "United News", UNN reports.

Our goal is strategic planning. We minimize procurement on a "here and now" basis. The Ministry of Defense should buy, for example, winter uniforms in summer and summer uniforms in winter. Such planning will improve both quality and cost, respectively,

- said Dmytro Klymenkov.


It will be responsible only for formulating procurement policy, coordinating financial activities of agencies and developing regulations in the field of procurement,

- said Klimenkov.

It is noted that at the second level of the Ministry, a new deputy has appeared - Vitaliy Polovenko. Vitaliy Polovenko. He will be in charge of communication with the rear of the Armed Forces, accepting proposals, adjust the lists of goods for procurement, and control quality control, prioritize and calculate the estimated cost.

A separate state-owned enterprise , the enterprise - "Defense Procurement Agency" (SE "State Logistics Operator"). This means food, clothing, bulletproof vests, helmets, fuel and lubricants - all 61] will be purchased by the State Logistics Operator.

The procurement of weapons is based on a similar principle , which is carried out by the "Defense Procurement Agency. It has already started contracting all defense contracts.

The first result is that the time for reviewing commercial proposals has been halved. This is very important during the war. In addition, the agency directly contracts with our international partners. We have already used 97.9% of the 2023 budget in this area. These two agencies work according to modern corporate standards,

- Dmytro Klymenkov added.

SEE ALSO: Defense Ministry won arbitrations for almost a billion hryvnias

Olga Rozgon



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