
The IAEA says Iran has increased production of enriched uranium: Tehran denies

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Iran denies IAEA report on uranium enrichment

Iran's atomic energy chief Mohammad Eslami said on Wednesday that there is "nothing new" in the report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that says Tehran has reversed a months-long slowdown in its uranium enrichment program, Reuters reported, citing Iranian media, UNN reported.

What the IAEA said

The IAEA report, seen by Reuters on Tuesday, says that Iran has "increased its production of highly enriched uranium, reversing a previous production cut since mid-2023."

Iran's reaction

"We haven't done anything new and we are doing the same things in accordance with the rules," Eslami was quoted as saying.

Іран відкликав акредитацію у найбільш досвідченіших інспекторів МАГАТЕ17.09.23, 05:53 • [views_230745]

Julia Shramko

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