
Sumy region: Russians shelled two communities on Christmas Day

 • 32002 переглядiв

Russian troops shelled Sumy region with mortars and artillery, causing 15 explosions, and attacked with a drone; the enemy drone was shot down and the missile warhead was recovered.

The Russian military shelled two districts located in the border area of Sumy region. During the day. There were 15 explosions in the region, according to UNN with reference to to the data of the Regional Military Administration.

During the day, the Russians fired 4 times at the border border areas and settlements of Sumy region. 15 explosions were recorded. Yunakivska and Bilopilska communities were shelled.

- the OBA said.


According to the Sumy JFO, the invaders attacked Belopillya with mortars (12 explosions) and artillery (2 explosions).  А The Yunikivska community was attacked from an FPV drone. This resulted in one explosion there.

It is also noted that over one of the communities in Sumy region, the defenders of the sky shot down an enemy FPV drone.

У лісі на Сумщині знайшли бойову частину російської авіаційної крилатої ракети Х-5925.12.23, 15:10


Earlier, UNN wrote with reference to the data of the operational command "North", that the day before Russian troops fired 8 times at the border of Chernihiv and Sumy regions.

Tatiana Salganik



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