
"State Logistics Operator": the presentation took place, what's next

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A new enterprise, the State Logistics Operator, aims to increase the transparency of procurement for the military, promising to eradicate corruption and engage local producers.

Commitment to cooperation with domestic producers, elimination of corruption schemes, compliance with NATO standards in the military  is a far from complete list conclusions that can be drawn after the presentation of the State Enterprise "State Logistics Operator", writes UNN.

A week ago, the new team of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine presented its brainchild, the state-owned enterprise "State Logistics Operator" (DOT).

Even at the stage of creating this new structure, there were a lot of skeptics and critics who questioned the possibility of realizing the key stated goal of maximizing transparent procurement for the needs of the Armed Forces with the exclusion of corruption component.

Despite the fact that the DOT will be responsible for all non-lethal procurement, the main focus, of course, is on the supply of food to the army. food - eggs for 17 hryvnias cannot be easily erased from the memory. And so Arsen Zhumadilov, CEO of the newly created state enterprise, and his team have already had to take their first steps under the public microscope.

In fact, most experts positively assessed the appointment of Arsen Zhumadilov to the post of head of the State Logistics Operator. After all, he has he has a positive experience of creating the state enterprise "Medical Procurement of Ukraine, which put an end to numerous corruption schemes in the field of procurement of medicines and medical equipment.

In addition, experts note that the new team of the of the Ministry of Defense has political will to make drastic changes in procurement for the Ukrainian army.

The week that has passed since the presentation of the DOT, was enough to make sure that the team of the newly created state-owned enterprise does not deviate from its stated goals and is in the process of of their practical implementation.

The key point, as Arsen Zhumadilov has repeatedly said, is to maximize Arsen Zhumadilov has repeatedly said, is the maximum involvement of Ukrainian army of domestic producers and the gradual exclusion of intermediaries from tenders. of intermediaries.

During the presentation of the DOT, it was noted that consultations with food market participants, surveys of producers for of certain groups of goods.

This position of the DOT was positively received by the producers themselves. In particular, in the comments to UNN, representatives of food industry enterprises noted that maximum participation of domestic producers in tenders will lead to competition, and and, as a result, reduce purchase prices.

Another aspect that will help remove the corruption component component - procurement and logistics will be separated. The manufacturer that will supply products to distribution centers. Services delivery from these centers to end consumers will be procured separately.

All this should become a tool for achieving the stated strategic goal - the continuity of meeting the needs of the Armed Forces. According to the indicator "procured/delivered on time" indicator, the State Defense Enterprise intends to achieve 95% success rate.

The DOT also stated that it would use a dynamic procurement system, which will provide for the qualification of participants before the start of the tender, the opportunity for those wishing to qualify during the qualification to hide certain information about the participants for security reasons.

And one more important issue, in which after the presentation of the DOT presentation, was dotted with the question of what exactly the Ministry of Defense is going to feed our soldiers.

Professional chefs will develop 16 weekly menus, which will take into account medical, religious, ethical and other issues.

Arsen Zhumadilov emphasizes once again that no one is going to to deprive Ukrainian soldiers of a variety of food. The procurement of food will continue to be carried out will continue to be carried out according to a catalog of 409 items, but the goods in it will be aggregated into 25 categories at the stage of tender documentation will be aggregated into more than 25 categories, which will open up wide opportunities for Ukrainian producers to participate in procurement procedures.

Achievement of all these goals is the closest we will ever get to sof NATO standards in military nutrition, which everyone talks about so much.

"The NATO food standard says, first of all that food should be of high quality and safe. The way the procurement model is currently built procurement model is currently structured, namely in sets, does not provide our our soldiers with consistently high-quality safe food. So what do we have to do? We have to fulfill this NATO standard. We must ensure its implementation through more transparent and controlled procurement for this need," Zhumadilov explained earlier. Zhumadilov explained earlier.

According to the calculations of the State Logistics Operator, in January of next year, it is planned to reach the qualification framework, and the first deliveries of of food to the Armed Forces of Ukraine is expected in April 2024.

In fact, they will give an answer to the extent to which all risks have been taken into account. all risks have been taken into account and what changes still need to be made to make the system even more transparent.

The only thing we can be sure of is this, that even if the first tenders are perfectly conducted, there will still be those who there will still be those who do not like something.

Закупівлі за каталогом, залучення вітчизняних виробників, меню від професійних технологів: Жумаділов розповів про нові підходи у харчуванні української армії21.12.23, 11:10

Zakhar Podkidyshev



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