
Slovenia to Reimburse Citizens for Fines for Violation of COVID-19 Quarantine

 • 22747 переглядiв

Slovenia has enacted a law on reimbursement of fines to citizens for COVID-19-related restrictions totaling almost EUR 6 million.

This week, a law comes into force in Slovenia, according to which the state must reimburse all citizens for violating restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic. This was reported by the Ministry of Justice of Slovenia ,UNN.


For more than two years, the police have issued fines worth almost 6 million euros. But according to the new law, this money must be returned. Thus, more than 60 thousand Slovenes should receive reimbursement of fines.

This is one of the promises made by Prime Minister Robert Golob before last year's elections. It is noted that the previous administration, led by former Prime Minister Janez Janša, imposed severe restrictions on freedom of movement and assembly during the coronavirus pandemic.

SEE ALSO: COVID-19 has not disappeared: the Ministry of Health has given recommendations on how to act in case of suspected coronavirus

In particular, at different times, Slovenes were not allowed to travel outside their districts, and a night curfew was in effect.

Later, the Constitutional Court overturned all these measures, but so far the authorities have not canceled the penalties imposed on those who were considered to have violated them, and local activists consider the fines issued to be illegal.


Slovenian Justice Minister Dominika Švarts Pipan said that the reimbursement of fines would help restore Slovenes' trust in the rule of law.

To recap,

In Ukraine, a new case of a new sub-variant of the coronavirus of the Omicron variant called "Pirola" was detected and laboratory confirmed .

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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