
"Servant of the people "Kunitsky went on a 5-day business trip to Israel, and returned three weeks later via Florida – "schemes"

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Deputy from the "servant of the people" Alexander Kunitsky received permission for a five-day business trip in the summer. However, he was abroad for almost three weeks and was spotted in the state of Florida, in the USA. This is evidenced by data that journalists of the project "schemes" from the Publication Radio Liberty found, reports UNN.


Folk deputy from the" servant of the people " Alexander Kunitsky in the summer of this year received approval of the Verkhovna Rada for a short-term business trip from July 3 to July 7, 2023.

He was given permission to leave the country for 5 days to travel to Israel "as part of the activity parliamentary group of the Verkhovna Rada on inter-parliamentary relations with Israel", where it is located co-chair. However, the MP stayed abroad for almost three weeks. Returned Kunitsky to Ukraine, according to "schemes", only on July 22.

Journalists we found out that in the interval after a business trip and before returning to Ukraine Alexander Kunitsky visited the United States. He was spotted at St. Petersburg airport. Pete-Clearwater International Airport, located in the US state of Florida.

Note, that at that time Ukraine already had a ban on traveling abroad for officials during martial law without proper grounds. The deputy did not respond to calls and messages from the editorial board asking them to explain why they are using it violated the terms of the exit permit.

Investigators of the project from Radio Liberty stressed that Kunitsky was from the group the only deputy sent to Israel. To the question of "schemes", who became the initiator of this business trip and who from the BP management approved it, in the Parliament they didn't answer. But they noted that no budget funds were spent on it.

The MP submitted a report for this trip to Speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk 11 July. At that time, as schemas found out, he was still abroad. Journalists received the MP's report from the Verkhovna Rada in response to a request.

Goal Kunitsky called the trip "the development and strengthening of friendly relations between the two countries", and among the people with whom he had meetings, the MP indicated the deputies of the Knesset. , representatives of the Jewish community, religious communities and citizens of Ukraine, "who they are temporarily in Israel." The deputy did not mention any surnames.

No mention about such meetings and in the social networks of the people's deputy. And on the website of the Verkhovna Rada information on the activities of the Parliamentary Group on inter-parliamentary relations with The state of Israel has not been updated since October 2021.

At a time when Kunitsky was supposed to return to Ukraine, for two consecutive days. session of the Verkhovna Rada – people's deputies worked in the session hall 13 and July 14. In the list deputies on the website of the Verkhovna Rada who voted these days, opposite the name of Kunitsky there is a mark "missing".

In general for the first seven months of 2023, MP Kunitsky stayed abroad for 54 days, in 2022 year-132 days.


According to data "Schemes", the MP's family now lives in the United States. Also in the state of Florida Lives an official assistant to Deputy Kunitsky and owner of Kharkiv manufacturing holding Dmitry Nikonov of Autoenterprise charging stations, as he himself notes in his articles social networks. Nikonov, according to the data of the border guard service, left Ukraine for three months before a full-scale war.

Recall that in 2020, the NABU opened criminal proceedings on the fact that MP Kunitsky I used my mandate in the interests of Dmitry Nikonov's Autoenterprise company. Kunitsky and representatives of the company denied these accusations. Investigation NABU continues to this day.

Note also and the fact that in the declaration for 2020, Alexander Kunitsky had real estate in Israel. In particular, an apartment worth 5 million hryvnias in the city of Haifa, which it has been owned by him since 2017. In addition, in 2019, before the elections to the Verkhovna Rada, it broke out in scandal over Kunitsky's Israeli citizenship. After the publicity, the MP said I wrote an application for withdrawal. But did Kunitsky really get rid of the Israeli one citizenship is unknown.


In January this year, the Cabinet of Ministers published a resolution that defines the grounds for officials to travel abroad under martial law. In particular, by Resolution No. 69 of 27 in January, the government determined that deputies of various levels, officials, employees who booked for the period of mobilization and wartime by state bodies authorities, judges, prosecutors, heads of State Unitary enterprises, managers some business entities have the right to cross the state border on the territory of the Russian Federation. Based on relevant decisions on business trips.

Tatiana Salganik



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