
Scythian gold returns to Ukraine: The Netherlands canceled debts for storing artifacts

 • 21338 переглядiв

The Netherlands canceled debts for storage of Scythian gold, Ukrainian artifacts will soon be at home

A museum in the Netherlands has canceled debts for the storage of "Scythian gold," Ukrainian artifacts will soon be at home, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy (MCIP) reported on Wednesday, UNN writes.

The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy and the Allard Pearson Museum have reached official agreements on the terms of returning the exhibits of the Museum Fund of Ukraine from four Crimean museum institutions. Since 2014, they have been exhibited at the exhibition "Crimea - the Golden Island in the Black Sea" at the Archaeological Museum of the University of Amsterdam, reported in the MCIP.


As indicated, a relevant document was signed between the parties.

Museum objects include collections of the Crimean Republican institutions "Central Museum of Tavrida", "Kerch Historical and Cultural Reserve", "Bakhchisaray Historical and Cultural Reserve" and the National Reserve "Chersonesos Tavriya". 

"One of the most important moments for the state of Ukraine was the refusal of the Allard Pearson Museum to charge the Ukrainian side for the nine-year storage of our museum objects. This is the position of the Netherlands, which we consider a noble and worthy act of a partner country," the MCIP said.

Acting Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine Rostyslav Karandieiev expressed gratitude to the Allard Pearson Museum for storing the collections for 9 years, as well as for "the decision of the Dutch side not to charge for the storage of museum exhibits," the ministry said.

Julia Shramko



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