
Russians "nationalize" Ukrainian property in occupied Berdiansk

 • 34017 переглядiв

Russian occupiers in Berdiansk seize Ukrainian property as "ownerless" through the process of fake nationalization and court decisions; lack of re-registration of property in the Rosreestr threatens with forced eviction.

In the temporarily occupied Berdiansk, Russians are taking away real estate from Ukrainians under the guise of "nationalization". This was stated by the head of the Berdiansk city military administration Victoria Galitsyna, reports UNN.


Thus, according to information, the occupiers create commissions to determine "ownerless property" Then representatives of the "commission" apply to the arbitration court, which operates in Prymorsk, and the court recognizes the property as "ownerless".

SEE ALSO: Russia has settled more than 100 thousand migrants in the occupied territories of Ukraine

After that, the property is transferred to the local authorities, which either announce an auction for its sale or independently determine to whom the property is transferred. 

According to her, property owners in the temporarily occupied territories are required to re-register their property with the Rosregister. 

If a person fails to do so, their property may be recognized as "ownerless". Practice shows that Russians can obtain a court order and demand the eviction of tenants from a house, even if the actual owners of the property live there, but do not have Russian-type documents.

- explained the head of the Berdiansk city military administration.

To recap

The occupation authorities in the occupied territories of Ukraine have problems recruiting collaborators: only 10 out of 80 candidates from the occupied regions and Crimea passed the competitive selection. The low turnout and the percentage of successful candidates caused the occupiers' dissatisfaction.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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