
russia has no plans to wage war against Ukraine in 2025 - Budanov

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Kyrylo Budanov, head of Ukraine's Main Intelligence Directorate, says Russia currently has no plans for military action against Ukraine in 2025, citing limited resources as a deterrent. Putin insists that Russia's war will continue until Ukraine is denazified and becomes neutral.

The head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kyrylo Budanov, claims that Russia has no plans for combat operations in 2025. He stated this at a discussion panel of the "New Country", UNN reports.

I can only tell you one thing: the russian Federation has no plans to wage war in 2025. Perhaps, at the end of 2024, if nothing changes, they will adjust it. But for now, they have no such plans. They also have problems. The problems are not so much with the support of society, because few people are interested in the opinion of an average russian. The issue is resources, because this war is very expensive. And the resources are not unlimited. This may sound a little rude, but we are fighting for someone else's money, and they are fighting for theirs. And they count their money, even though it seems that they don't. And very meticulously. 

- said Kirill Budanov.

To recap

Russian dictator putin statedthat russia's war in Ukraine will end when the goals of denazification, demilitarization and neutral status of Ukraine are achieved. 

READ MORE: The successful end of the war in Ukraine depends on it: Arakhamia names one of the factors

Anna Onishchenko



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