
"Protected the occupation authorities" during the seizure of Balakliya: ex-police officer to stand trial

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A former police officer is accused of aiding the enemy during the occupation of Balakliya. The indictment was sent to court.

The investigation against the ex-police officer who "protected the occupation authorities" during the seizure of Balakliya in Kharkiv region is completed. The indictment has been sent to court. This was reported by the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office, UNN writes.


The pre-trial investigation established that during the occupation of the city of Balakliya, the accused, who was then a district police officer of the prevention sector of the Izyum police department No. 1 in the region, voluntarily went over to the side of the enemy.

At first, the traitor was distributing humanitarian aid from the Russian Federation, and later he took the position of a "police patrol officer" in the "Balakleya Police Department".

The traitor's main task was to protect facilities that were important for the security of the occupation authorities. He also accompanied and guarded representatives of the pseudo-administration who collected "tribute" from local entrepreneurs at the market.

The man is currently wanted, and the indictment against him has been approved and sent to court.

Голосував за анексію Криму: ексдепутату держдуми рф Магомеду Гаджиєву повідомили про підозру02.01.24, 15:12

Anna Onishchenko

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