
Problems with garbage collection in the occupied territories due to lack of utilities - National Resistance Center

 • 20173 переглядiв

Garbage collection in the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine is problematic due to the lack of utilities, lack of staff, and the departure of most of the population from the region.

In the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, due to the lack of utilities, there are problems with garbage collection. This was reported by the Center of National Resistance, UNN reports.

The reason for this is that most of the population has left the region, as well as a shortage of personnel, because those citizens who remained in the TOT do not cooperate with the occupiers. As a result, unsanitary conditions are rampant in the occupied settlements,

- the statement said.


There have also been cases of waste from the Rostov region being taken to landfills.


Russian occupation troops in the occupied territories of Ukraine engage doctors from Russia on a rotational basis due to the lack of medical personnel, as they do not trust local doctors.

Olga Rozgon



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