
Port infrastructure and residential buildings were damaged: Prosecutor General's Office launches investigation into russian night attack on Odesa

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A teenager was killed and three others were injured in a russian drone attack on Odesa. Residential buildings and port infrastructure were also damaged.

A 15-year-old boy was killed and three other people were injured in a nighttime attack by russian drones in Odesa. In addition, drone debris damaged port infrastructure and residential buildings. This is reported by the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, UNN reports. 


According to the investigation, on the night of January 1, 2024, the enemy launched a massive UAV attack on Odesa and the region. A 15-year-old teenager was killed. Three people were injured and hospitalized.

In addition, information about other victims is being clarified.

Прикордонники показали, як знищували ворожі "шахеди" у новорічну ніч01.01.24, 11:38

It is also noted that as a result of the enemy attack, 3 high-rise apartment buildings, 3 private houses, outbuildings and cars were damaged. The enemy also hit the port infrastructure of Odesa region. As a result of the hit, a fire broke out in one of the terminals, which was quickly extinguished.

Under the procedural supervision of the Odesa Regional Prosecutor's Office, the pre-trial investigation in the criminal proceedings on the fact of violation of the laws and customs of war combined with premeditated murder (Part 2 Art. 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) has been initiated

- the Prosecutor General's Office summarized.

The prosecutor's office emphasizes that the review of the consequences of the russian attack is ongoing, and a full list of destruction and damage is being established. Prosecutors, together with other law enforcement officers, are recording the consequences of the enemy attack.


At the same time, the State Emergency Service of Odesa region said that several such UAVs damaged residential buildings. It is noted that last night 99 rescuers and 26 units of fire and rescue equipment were involved in the aftermath of the night terror.

Рівень ракетної небезпеки дуже високий: Сили оборони Півдня попередили про три ракетоносії рф з "Калібрами" у морі01.01.24, 12:50

The State Emergency Service also showed how rescuers were working on New Year's Eve to eliminate the consequences of the Russian drone attack.


On New Year's Eve, defense forces destroyed 87 of the 90 Shahed drones used by russia in a large-scale attack from multiple directions. 

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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