
Polish President Vetoes Law on Financing State Media

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Polish President Duda vetoes a law on state media funding, citing violations of the constitution and democracy. He calls for legal reform of state media amid governmental conflict.

Polish President Andrzej Duda has vetoed the budget law that provides for the financing of state media. Duda announced this on the X platform, UNN reports.


I have decided to veto the budget law for 2014, which included law for 2024, which included 3 billion zlotys for state media. We must not to allow a gross violation of the Constitution and the principles of a democratic and the principles of a democratic state. The public media must first be honestly and in accordance with the law correct

Duda wrote on the social network X.

An attempt to finance state media through the through a near-budget law (by the parliamentary majority) in the current situation is unacceptable. situation is unacceptable

added the Polish president


On Wednesday, Poland's Minister of Culture and National Heritage dismissed the heads of of Polish Television, Polish Radio and the Polish News Agency, as well as their supervisory boards. Agency, as well as their supervisory boards. At the same time, the minister appointed new supervisory boards that will will form new boards of public media.

The new liberal government in Poland wants to restructure the state media. This has created a conflict between Prime Minister Donald Tusk and President Duda. Duda is a close ally of the former ruling nationalist PiS party, which has governed Poland for the past eight years. Previously, the ruling PiS party was harshly criticized by both the opposition and the EU for turning media into propaganda channels.

As of now, instead of the news channel of the Polish TV channel is now broadcasting tvp1, which shows mostly feature films. The Polish Television news website is also unavailable www.tvp.info..

Польща буде допомагати Україні на шляху до ЄС і НАТО – Дуда 21.11.23, 20:35

Lilia Podolyak



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