
Poland activates aviation to protect its airspace amid russian missile strikes on Ukraine

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The Polish Armed Forces have activated aviation to control the airspace in response to the intensification of russian aviation and missile strikes on Ukraine, ensuring the safety of Polish airspace.

The Armed Forces are activating aircraft to control the airspace. This is reported by the Operational Command of the Polish Armed Forces, UNN reports.


The Operational Command of the Polish Armed Forces announced the activation of aircraft to ensure the safety of Polish airspace.

Please note that there are more aircraft operating in the airspace of Poland, which may lead to increased noise levels, especially in the southeastern part of the country. Tonight, intensive activities of the long-range aviation of the russian federation are being observed, including missile strikes on targets located in Ukraine. All necessary procedures have been initiated to ensure the safety of Polish airspace, and the DO RSZ is constantly monitoring the situation

- Operational Command of the Polish Armed Forces.

Ту-95МС пускають ракети: Київ та декілька областей перебувають під масштабною повітряною тривогою31.03.24, 04:40

Julia Kotvitskaya



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