
Over the year, 18 thousand square kilometers of the de-occupied territories were completely cleared of explosives

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The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported that in 2023, 18,000 square kilometers of territory were cleared of mines, and nearly 275,000 explosive devices were defused.

In 2023, 18,000 square kilometers of the de-occupied territories of Ukraine were demined and recognized as safe. This was reported by the Ministry of Defense, UNN writes.

18 thousand square kilometers of the territory were determined to be free of evidence of contamination. That is, taking into account the non-technical surveys carried out in 2023, the area of potentially contaminated territories has been reduced to 156 thousand square kilometers .

- said Ruslan Berehulia, Head of the Main Directorate of Mine Action, Civil Protection and Environmental Safety of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.


This year, demining units surveyed more than 50 thousand square kilometers in a non-technical manner. In addition, as part of the rapid response, 1300 square kilometers of de-occupied territories were checked and cleared of explosive devices.

In 2023, 4,512 kilometers of highways, 1,064 kilometers of power lines, and 2,464 kilometers of railroad tracks were cleared of mines.

In total, experts seized and neutralized nearly 275,000 explosive devices, including artillery and rocket shells, anti-tank and anti-personnel mines, in the areas in question.

Addendum Addendum

In the next 2024, it is planned to survey 40 thousand square kilometers on the territory of 59 united territorial communities in the de-occupied regions. It is also planned to carry out direct humanitarian demining activities at 239 sites with a total area of 937 hectares.

READ MORE: Since the beginning of Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine, 277 people have been killed by explosive devices

Anna Onishchenko



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