
Now the decision is up to the parliament: Moldova's Constitutional Court approves referendum on EU accession

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Moldova's Constitutional Court has approved a referendum on EU accession on October 20, paving the way for possible constitutional changes that will reflect the country's European identity and integration path.

On Tuesday, April 16, the Constitutional Court of Moldova announced a positive opinion on the request of the ruling Action and Solidarity (PAS) party deputies to hold a referendum on EU membership. This was reported by UNN with reference to NewsMaker.

Details [1

It is noted that in the request indicates the date of the referendum on EU accession on October 20. Now the final decision to hold the referendum must be approved by the country's parliament.

According to the referendum, if Moldovans vote in favor of joining the EU, several amendments will be made to the Constitution. The preamble of the Constitution will mention the European identity and the irreversibility of Moldova's European development path.

The Constitution will also include a separate article on European integration. It will state that Moldova accedes to the treaties establishing the EU and to acts revising the EU founding treaties.

After accession to these treaties and acts, they will take precedence over national laws.


Moldova's ambassador to the EU expects that Chisinau could start accession talks with the European Union by the end of June 2024, moving faster than the Western Balkan countries in the accession process.

До кінця 2024 року Молдова вийде з усіх угод, підписаних у рамках СНД21.12.23, 11:54

Volodymyr Omelchenko

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