
November 27: Turtle Protection Day, anniversary of the establishment of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

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Today, November 27, many countries around the world events are taking place in many countries to mark Turtle Protection (Adoption) Day. The event originated in 2011 on the initiative of activist Christine Shaw, UNN reports.

According to scientists, turtles appeared on our planet more than 250 million years ago.

Today there are about 230 species of turtles.

The largest, leatherback sea turtle, can weigh up to 900 kilograms, while the smallest, the loggerhead turtle, weighs only 140 grams.

Due to climate change and human activity, many species of of turtles are on the verge of extinction.

Anyone who wants to participate in today's event can take home a turtle, or, for example, together with friends, clean the nearest beach from the garbage that harms turtles.

On November 27, 1918, on the initiative of Hetman of Ukraine Pavlo Skoropadskyi, the constituent assembly of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences was held. Its The meeting elected geologist and geochemist Pavlo Vernadsky as its first chairman.

As of 01.01.2023, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine of Ukraine includes 171 full members (academicians), 358 corresponding members and 87 foreign members.

The total number of employees of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as of 01.01.2023 amounted to 26167 people, including 13883 researchers. Among them are 2422 Doctors of Sciences and 6587 Candidates of Sciences.

In connection with the Russian military aggression, about 1500 (or more) about 1500 (11%) researchers of NAS institutions temporarily left Ukraine, more than 700 researchers (5%) changed their place of residence to other regions of Ukraine

In battles with the invaders and as a result of bombing 12 employees of the Academy were killed in battles with the invaders and as a result of bombing of civilian objects by the aggressor.

The President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is Anatoliy Zagorodnyi, Doctor of Anatoliy Zagorodnyi, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

According to the church calendar, today is the day of the martyr Roman, who lived in the fourth century in Palestine.

The man spent almost half of his life in the desert, where he where he prayed constantly. For this, the Lord rewarded him with the gift of healing.

During the next persecution of Christians, Roman was captured. Despite the brutal torture, he did not deny the Lord.

Roman was burned at the stake, and then his head was cut off from his burnt body. his head was cut off.

Name days today are celebrated by Roman, Borys, Vasyl, Volodymyr, and Yakov.

Zakhar Podkidyshev

UNN Lite


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