
Legion "Freedom of Russia" makes a statement on the battle in Belgorod region

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Legion "Freedom of Russia" reported that its units conducted a successful operation in the Belgorod region of Russia, completed their tasks and returned to Ukraine; they challenged Russian troops and confirmed their Russian volunteer identity.

Legion "Freedom of Russia" reported that its assault groups have completed all their tasks and successfully returned to the territory of Ukraine. This was reported in the Legion's telegram channel, UNN reports.

Today, December 17, assault units of the Legion of "Freedom of Russia" entered the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation, destroyed a platoon (platoon stronghold) of Putin's troops near the familiar Terebreno, completed their tasks and have already returned. Photos/video will be later, after we catch our breath

the statement said.

It is noted that on the way back, the volunteers left "an interesting puzzle for the specialists of Putin's engineering troops".

Get out there and update minefield maps. P.P.S. AND to all the Kremlin's tongues that write about the "Ukrainian DRG" once again (for the dumb ones for the dumb ones): We are Russian volunteers. And we have the right to come home at at any time. Especially for a good cause

noted in the Legion.

Знищено взводний опорний пункт російських військ: ГУР підтвердив проникнення ДРГ на російську територію17.12.23, 18:38

Lilia Podolyak



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