
Last night, russians shelled Ocheretyne community in Donetsk region: there are dead - OVO

 • 30915 переглядiв

russian shelling in the Donetsk region killed one person and wounded another.

Today, russians shelled the Ocheretyn community in Pokrovsk district of Donetsk region. As a result, there are dead and wounded. This was reported by the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration Vadym Filashkin, UNN reports.


1 person killed and 1 wounded in today's shelling of Ocheretyne community

- Vadym Filashkin wrote on Telegram.


On New Year's Eve, russians shelled Donetsk region. Right after midnight, Orlivka came under artillery fire, and in the morning Ocheretyne was shelled. At least 3 private houses were damaged by shells, noted Filashkin.

The head of the OVA also called on residents of the frontline Donetsk region not to risk their lives and evacuate.

росіяни по Донеччині випустили Торнадо-С: поранена 9-річна дитина31.12.23, 23:07

Anna Onishchenko



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