
Kiva murder: in the Russian Federation, special services are studying passenger lists at Moscow airports

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Russian special services are analyzing passenger lists at Moscow airport after the murder of ex-MP Ilya Kiva

In the Russian Federation, special services are studying passenger lists at Moscow airports due to the murder of ex-MP Ilya Kiva, reports UNN with reference to the Telegram channel Baza.


According to Baza, Russian special services are studying passenger lists at Moscow airports. Special attention is paid to Sheremetyevo and Vnukovo airports – they are the closest ones to the country hotel where ex-MP Ilya Kiva was killed.

According to one version, the attacker could have tried to fly away from Russia on one of the nearest flights.


It is known that Russian investigators continue to work at the murder scene. Now they are interrogating Kiva's cohabitant, as well as employees who were engaged in hotel security.

Kiva's cohabitant told investigators that the ex-MP always tried to take precautions.

For example, he went to the hotel's wooded area every time to record a video. I did this so that it was impossible to determine the area where it is located.

According to one version, this time Kiva could also go to the forest to record a video for his Telegram channel.

Read also: Kiva's murder: ex-MP was followed for at least three weeks - rossmi


Former Verkhovna Rada deputy Ilya Kiva was killed during a special operation of the SBU with the use of firearms. His body was found in the Moscow region. the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case.

Antonina Tumanova

Crimes and emergencies


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