
In the TOT, Russians threaten to take away land from people who refused to give up their Russian passports

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Russians are forcing Ukrainians in the occupied territories to re-register their land under occupation laws or face "nationalization," and confiscate property built on such land.

In the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, Russians are threatening to take away land plots from those who have not re-registered them in accordance with the occupation legislation. This is stated in a statement by the Center of National Resistance, UNN reports .


The occupiers said they plan to take an inventory of land plots and "nationalize" those whose owners refused to re-register their ownership.

SEE ALSORussia has settled more than 100 thousand migrants in the occupied territories of Ukraine

In order to register property rights in accordance with the occupation legislation, it is necessary to obtain a Russian passport. Therefore, the enemy is actually pursuing a policy of blackmail in the temporarily occupied territories

- explained in Sprotyv.


Russians threaten not only to take away the land of Ukrainians, but also everything built on this land.

To recap,

The head of the Berdiansk city military administration, Victoria Galitsyna, said that in the temporarily occupied Berdiansk Russians are taking away Ukrainians' real estate under the guise of "nationalization".

SEE ALSO: The enemy in the TOT is preparing for a complete refusal to provide medical services to Ukrainians without Russian passports

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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