
In the occupied Kherson region, it is planned to increase the number of hours for studying rewritten history: new textbooks are already being delivered

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Starting September 1, 2025, schools in the Russian-occupied Kherson region will increase the number of history lessons to erase Ukrainian identity and rewrite history from the Russian point of view, the National Resistance Center reports.

Starting September 1, 2025, the number of hours of history classes in schools in the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson region will be increased. According to the Center of National Resistance, collaborators were tasked with emasculating everything Ukrainian from the local population, especially the younger generation, UNN reports.

According to the Center, because of the problem with their own identity, Russians suffer from cultural and historical kleptomania. Stealing history and rewriting it to fit their own is all they can do in Russia. And they start, of course, with the school desk. New history textbooks that no longer contain Kyivan Rus, but only Rus, are now being massively imported to the TOT. And this is no longer "History of Ukraine" but "History of Russia.

...starting from September 1, 2025, the number of hours of history classes will be increased in schools in the temporarily occupied territories of the Kherson region. There will be three lessons per week in grades 5-8, and two hours per week in grades 9. This is the boast of the occupation authorities and collaborators, who have the task of emasculating everything Ukrainian from the local population, especially the younger generation

- the statement said.

In addition, the Center adds that the occupiers are simply burning Ukrainian textbooks. Just like they did in Nazi Germany.

Antonina Tumanova



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