
In Melitopol, communal services were ordered to check the lists of residents and find empty housing

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Melitopol utilities have been ordered to find out information about residents and empty houses, as the occupiers are trying to understand how much the locals are willing to resist.

In the temporarily In the temporarily occupied Melitopol, employees of utility companies are making rounds to find out who lives in which apartments. This was reported by the mayor of Ivan Fedorov, the mayor of Melitopol, reports UNN.

rashists cannot understand where the strength of our people to resist comes from and want to know exactly who breathes and how they live. In Melitopol, they check documents and ask about neighbors, not only the security forces, but also the utilities, who were ordered to check the lists of residents and find empty housing

- Ivan Fedorov wrote.


He also also clarified that the occupiers carry out similar actions throughout the Melitopol district, where the military and local collaborators conduct door-to-door visits and phone calls in villages. and phone calls. People are asked about their place of work and income.


In Melitopol, russian military detained three minorswho were accused of committing sabotage. Propagandists claim that they organized the attacks and and tracked down collaborators.

Окупанти на Херсонщині вриваються вночі до помешкань жителів з проукраїнською позицією і арештовують їх - ГУР21.12.23, 16:18

Anastasia Ryabokon



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