Today in Ukraine it is mostly without precipitation, only in the west and Zhytomyr region short-term rains are possible. The temperature will be 30-38° in the daytime, 28-33° in the west, the Ukrainian Weather Center told UNN.
According to weather forecasters, on August 20, there will be no precipitation, only in the western and Zhytomyr regions there will be short-term rain and thunderstorms in some places during the day.
Wind of variable directions, 3-5 m/s.
Temperatures are 15-20° at night, up to 23° on the seaside; 30-34° during the day, with heatwaves of 35-38° in the southern, central, and some northern and eastern regions, 28-33° in the western regions, and 22-27° in the highlands of the Carpathians.
In Kyiv region
No precipitation.
Southeast wind, 3-5 m/s.
The temperature at night is 15-20°, and during the day it is 35-37°.