
Government approves new system of civil servants' remuneration: freed-up funds can be used for defense

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The Government of Ukraine has reformed civil servants' remuneration and reduced vacancies, which will free up about UAH 8 billion for security and defense in 2024.

The government has approved a new system of remuneration for civil servants, with 70% of salaries now being salary and only 30% being bonuses. The number of civil service vacancies will be reduced by almost 20 thousand. These steps will make it possible to allocate the freed-up UAH 8 billion in 2024 to security and defense. This was announced by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal following a government meeting, UNN reports.

The Government continues to reform public administration. Today, we are approving a document on a new system of remuneration based on the qualification of positions and grades. (...) Now 70% of the salary of a civil servant will be a salary, and only 30% will be bonuses

- Shmyhal wrote on Telegram.

According to him, it is primarily about fairness. "After all, none of the managers will be able to charge exorbitant bonuses, allowances and surcharges at will," he said. 

"Starting January 1, we are reducing the number of civil service vacancies by almost 20 thousand. And this is only the first stage," the Prime Minister said.

"According to the Ministry of Finance, the new remuneration system and the reduction of vacancies will allow us to save about UAH 8 billion of budget funds and direct them to security and defense needs in 2024," Shmyhal said.

Підготовка до реформи оплати праці держслужбовців триває: Мінфіну і НАДС доручили винести на уряд узгоджену позицію25.12.23, 13:27

Julia Shramko



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