
Government allocates UAH 20 million to compensate for housing costs for IDPs

 • 34884 переглядiв

The Government of Ukraine has allocated more than UAH 20.6 million to cover utility costs for the accommodation of IDPs in various real estate properties from March 2022 to July 2023. The funds are distributed among state, municipal and some private institutions, the Ministry of Reintegration reports.

The government has allocated more than UAH 20 million for compensation for for free accommodation of IDPs in institutions. In particular, it is about covering the cost of utilities services during the free stay of internally displaced persons in in state-owned, municipal and private facilities. About the decision officials were informed by the Ministry of Reintegration, UNN reports .


The draft decree on the allocation of compensation was approved during the during the last meeting of the Government. This document provides for allocation of more than UAH 20.6 million hryvnias from the reserve fund of the state budget to cover additional utility costs for March 2022 - July 2023.

The funds are planned to be distributed as follows:

- More than UAH 159.9 thousand was allocated to pay compensation to to state-owned institutions that are under the management of the Ministry of Health.

- More than UAH 19 million to municipal institutions, state educational institutions transferred for financing from local budgets, and to jointly owned institutions of territorial communities of the region and district that are managed by regional and district councils.

Providing this additional subsidy from the state budget to local budgets according to the approved distribution between regional budgets will be provided by the The Ministry of Reintegration.

- More than UAH 1.4 million - to private institutions (except for private educational institutions).

The Ministry of Reintegration thanked the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Finance for this decision, and for their assistance in implementing the state policy to support of internally displaced persons.

Tatiana Salganik



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