
Fatal shooting in Dnipro: court reduces the measure of restraint for patrol policeman

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Yegor Zvonkov, a patrol policeman suspected of fatally wounding a man in Dnipro, has had his measure of restraint changed from round-the-clock detention to nightly house arrest

The Dnipro Court of Appeal  has changed the measure of restraint for patrol policeman  Yegor Zvonkov, who is suspected of fatal shooting during a clash in Dnipro, from round-the-clock house arrest to night arrest. This was reported by his lawyer Bohdan Zabara, UNN reports. 

The defense's appeal was upheld, the prosecutor's appeal was denied, and nighttime house arrest was imposed. Zvonkov Yegor can start working in the National Police - the lawyer wrote. 


In August, a court placed under round-the-clock house arrest the police officer who shot and killed a man in Dnipro.

On August 29, in one of Dnipro's districts, two patrol policemen stopped a car with two adults and minor children. The driver and passengers refused to get out of the car. The policemen began to force the man and woman out of the car and used pepper spray. During the fight, police officer used his service weapon and fired three shots into the man's back. The victim died on the spot from his gunshot wounds. During the fight, one of the patrol policemen was injured.

Law enforcement officers opened a case on the fact of an attempt on the life of police patrol officers during the fight on August 29.


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