
Enemy struck at Nikopol district in the evening, no casualties were reported

 • 47195 переглядiв

Russian troops shelled Nikopol district with artillery, no casualties were reported; in other districts of Dnipropetrovs'k region it was calm.

Russian troops shelled Nikopol district in Dnipropetrovs'k region with artillery the night before, the head of the Dnipropetrovs'k Regional Military Administration Serhiy Lysak said on Tuesday, UNN reports.

In the evening, Russian troops shelled Nikopol district with artillery fire. It was loud in the district center. People are unharmed. The consequences of the shelling are currently being investigated

- Lysak wrote on Telegram.

"In the evening, the Russians reminded us of themselves with a volley from a cannon. Nikopol came under fire," said Yevhen Yevtushenko, head of the Nikopol district administration, on Telegram.

In other districts of the region, according to the head of the RMA, the night passed calmly, with no hostile attacks.

У небі над Україною вночі знищено 13 із 19 "шахедів"26.12.23, 08:19

Julia Shramko



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