
December 13: International Violin Day, Choose a Pathologist Friend Day

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International Violin Day is celebrated in honor of the popularity of this instrument since the Renaissance, and the first modern violin, created by Andrea Amati, dates back to the mid-16th century.

Today, December 13, is the International Violin Day. violin, writes UNN.

The violin became a popular and aristocratic instrument in the the Renaissance. It is believed that the first modern violin was created by the Italian Andrea Amati in the middle of the sixteenth century.   

The most expensive violin was made by Giuseppe Guarneri in 1741. Today it costs 18 million dollars.

In Ukraine, the violin has been popular since the seventeenth century.

Even today, you can celebrate such a strange holiday as the Day of "Choose a pathologist friend".

The event was invented in 2017 by Thomas and Ruth Roy, who who are famous for creating all sorts of strange holidays.

Pathologists make about 70% of hospital diagnoses, and there are more than 18 different specialties in the field of pathology. Their work is an integral part of the functioning of the medical system.

This day encourages friendship with people who actually deal with death and serve, deal with death and serves as a reminder of the critical and often invisible work that these professionals do.

December 13 is also Cocoa Day. 

In pre-Columbian America, the upper classes of society used bitter society consumed a bitter and tart chilled frothy drink made from cocoa beans ground into cocoa beans into a paste.

In the sixteenth century, Hernán Cortés brought cocoa beans and Mayan chocolate drink to Europe. In Spain, the drink underwent a transformation, became sweeter and served hot, more like the hot chocolate we enjoy today. enjoy today.

In the eighteenth century, chocolate houses began to appear in London, and the houses began to appear in London, and the drink's popularity spread throughout Europe.

According to the church calendar, today is the day of remembrance of the martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugene, Mardarius, and Orestes.

They were military officers and refused to obey an order to persecute Christians in Sevastia. For this they were thrown into prison, severely tortured and beheaded.

The relics of the five martyrs were later transferred from Sebastia to Constantinople.

Name days on December 13 are celebrated by Eugene, Herman, Yakov, Vasyl, Vladimir, and Anastasia.

Zakhar Podkidyshev

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