
Both infantrymen and cooks or mechanics are important at the front. There is always a lack of resources - Tarnavsky

 • 72447 переглядiв

Ukrainian commander Tarnavsky reports a constant shortage of both personnel and equipment, emphasizing the urgent need for reinforcements and resources to win the war.

In an interview with BBC Ukraine, the commander of the Tavria operational and strategic grouping of troops, Oleksandr Tarnavsky, emphasized that all military units and groups currently lack both human and technical resources, UNN reports.


As Tarnavsky noted, there is always a lack of resources, both human and technical, and no matter how many resources there are, it is still not enough.

We all understand that we really need additional forces and means to win this war. Because the people who are performing the tasks today are tired. That is why they need to be replaced. Just like in sports matches, in football, this change takes place - it is the same here

- The commander said.

He emphasized that when there are no resources for replacement, it is, unfortunately, exhausting for the personnel.

"Moral fatigue sets in during combat missions. And here the skills and abilities of each commander will be of great help. Somewhere to replace, substitute, react. Both infantrymen and cooks or mechanics are needed and important at the front. Everyone has to fulfill his or her task. That is why it is difficult today, but we continue to fulfill our tasks," added Tarnavsky.

The general also noted that some soldiers are losing morale, while others are maintaining it.

"There is such a thing as psychological assistance and moral support. If there is fatigue somewhere, we take appropriate steps to help and support. The support of a friend, the support of relatives works very well. That's why today we are dealing with this issue by taking a vacation, or having a rest," the commander summarized.


Ukraine's Tarnavsky emphasizes problems with munitions accuracy and air defense systems; emphasizes need for F-16s for tougher conditions in 2024.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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