
Blockade on the border with Poland: 3.9 thousand trucks stuck in the queue

 • 31603 переглядiв

The blockade of Polish carriers has resulted in 3,900 trucks queuing up at the border with Ukraine. The largest accumulation of trucks is observed at the Yahodyn checkpoint, where about 1,700 trucks are waiting.

There are currently 3.9 thousand trucks in queues on the territory of Poland towards the border with Ukraine amid the blockade of Polish carriers. This was announced on Friday during a telethon by the spokesman for the State Border Guard Service, Andriy Demchenko, an UNN correspondent reports.

The blockade continues. Currently, four directions are blocked - Yagodyn, Krakivets, Rava-Ruska and Shehyni. As of this morning, according to the information we have from our Polish colleagues, there are 3,900 trucks in the queues on the territory of Poland heading towards Ukraine. The largest number is in front of the Yagodyn checkpoint, about 1,700 trucks

- Demchenko said.

According to him, the least traffic occurs at the largest infrastructure area - the Yahodyn-Dorohusk checkpoint.

"Yesterday, about 170 trucks crossed the border in both directions, of which only about 30 trucks were heading to Poland," Demchenko said.


Since November 6, Polish carriers have been blocking truck traffic on the border with Ukraine, first at three checkpoints and later at four.

On December 11, Polish carriers unblocked the Dorohusk-Yagodyn checkpoint. In Poland, on December 18, truckers again blocked the passage of trucks through Dorohusk-Yagodyn.

Among the demands of the Polish carriers is the return of permits for Ukrainian drivers.

Anna Murashko



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