
Bad weather in Kyiv: more than 260 units of special equipment are working on the streets

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More than 260 units of special equipment and nearly 200 workers are involved in clearing Kyiv streets of snow and ice. Residents are urged not to park on the roadsides to help the cleaners.

The capital continues to deal with the aftermath of the bad weather. To clear the roads of snow and ice, Kyivavtodor has engaged more than 260 units of special equipment. This was reported by the Kyiv City Military Administration, UNN reports.

The snow and ice damage is being repaired. Kyivavtodor has already deployed more than 260 units of special equipment and almost 200 road workers to the streets of the capital. Roads, sidewalks, and bus stops are being treated with anti-icing agents.

- said in the morning message of the KMVA.

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The KCSA also urged drivers of private vehicles not to park on the side of the road to avoid interfering with the clearing work.

In addition, it is noted that according to the forecast of the Ukrainian Weather Center, no snowfall is expected in Kyiv today. It will be cloudy, without precipitation, and there will be ice on the roads in some places. The temperature will be 1-3° below zero.

READ ALSO: Snow will return to Ukraine after St. Nicholas Day

Anna Onishchenko



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