
An occupier bought a fake death certificate to avoid returning to the war: he was exposed and convicted

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A resident of Buryatia bought a fake death certificate to avoid returning to the Russian army after a vacation, but was caught and sentenced to five years in a maximum security prison for desertion.

Mobilized from Buryatia Zorigto Arabzhayev, having received a leave of absence from the Russian army, decided not to return to the front and bought a fake death certificate. The forgery was uncovered and the Buryat resident was sentenced to five years in a maximum security prison. This is reported by "Siberia.Realii", UNNreports.


On November 2, a military court in Ulan-Ude sentenced Zorigto Arabzhayev to 5 years in a strict regime colony for desertion.

According to the court's verdict of the court, Zorigto Arabzhayev was called to the war against Ukraine in the fall of 2022. У this period of time, his wife's eldest son died in a car accident. The military wife claimed at the court hearing that after her son's death and her husband's mobilization to the to the war, she began to have suicidal thoughts.

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In the spring, Arabzhayev came on vacation and decided not to return to the front, allegedly due to his wife's depression, and bought a fake death certificate. However, the fake certificate was found to be a result of an unauthorized of the aggressor's army, a criminal case was opened.

The court noted that there was a negative psychological atmosphere in the family, which influenced the defendant's actions. The soldier was was found guilty of desertion and sentenced to five years in a in a general regime colony.

To recap

According to the estimates of the of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Russian troops lost 321,800 people and a significant amount of equipment, including 54,000 and a significant amount of equipment, including 5,466 tanks, during the invasion of Ukraine.

SEE ALSO: The occupiers brought workers from Russia to the TOT to repair their equipment

Ihor Telezhnikov



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